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Our strategy is to provide environments where individuals and teams can invest in one another.


Our process is to allow teams and individuals to DISCOVER their own strengths, opportunities and talents in order to begin working more fluidly together, to equip teams and individuals with the strategic tools and resources to EVOLVE into what they can become and to ACCELERATE this evolution with action plans that work.


Our goal is your goal.  Personal, collective and organizational outcomes that deliver, built upon a sustainable and evolving team dynamic that provides personal satisfaction to the leader and team.





Leadership is influence...nothing more, nothing less.  With over 30 years of direct and executive leadership experience and pouring into leaders throughout the globe, Building Healthy Teams understands the personal discovery that is a part of the leadership journey.  We can develop and execute individual and team development plans utilizing proven concepts and material, customized to the unique needs of each and every leader.



We believe that a solid strategic plan begins with vision and mission.  All actions must first point to this purpose.  From that mission and vision, Critical Success Factors, SWOT Analyses and Action Plans are fashioned collectively through inclusion of all key stakeholders.  Let us guide your teams through these milestones, developing a successful plan to achieve your organizational and personal goals.



"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."  This quote from Charles Darwin defines the organization of the future.  We help identify business and industry trends and create clear and bold action plans to not only meet the changing landscape and environment, but to conquer it.



The dynamics of a successful team lie in each and every member understanding and executing on their unique contribution to the team.  Building Healthy Teams will assess each team members based upon five proven characteristics and develop a plan for each member towards improvement.  Imagine your team, working in unison, accomplishing great things for your organization.  We can make it reality.



Executing well on projects can make or break a leader, team or organization.  Allow us the opportunity to manage your project to successful completion by pulling together resources, building accountability and addressing any change management concerns.  No project is too big or too small to bring in the professionals to ensure its ultimate success.



We believe that most organizational conflict occurs when two or more lack the skills and ability to hold successful critical conversations.  Using proven methods of getting to the heart of the issue and delivering critical feedback in a safe and neutral envrionment is the goal.  We will come alongside your team and build lasting methods to uncover and address these issues before they become roadblocks to your success.

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